Posts > Migrating a WordPress Multisite into AWS with EC2 + RDS
Migrating a WordPress Multisite into AWS with EC2 + RDS
In the midst of finals week, graduation, finishing my work at my previous job, and starting a new job I have not had time to post in a while. In my last few weeks of work at my previous position I was in charge of migrating the organization’s WP Multisite into a sandbox environment in Amazon Web Services. For performance and ease of maintenance we decided to use an EC2 instance to run the WordPress site with the database set up in RDS. Since I was leaving once the sandbox environment was set up I tried my best to document the setup process, which can be seen here.Overall I am really impressed with AWS and the sandbox environment. The customer service is helpful, the amount of control over the servers is awesome, and the new site is fast. Page load times went from eight seconds (I know way too slow) to three seconds. Most of this is due to using Require.js and asynchronus calls with JS to parse RSS feeds, however I think moving from GoDaddy helped.
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